Sparling & Peterman to Serve as 2023 Cadets Asst. Battery Caption Managers

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The Cadets are pleased to announce that James Sparling and Travis Peterman will return to the battery staff, sharing the Assistant Caption Manager role for 2023.

James Sparling marched tenors with Trinity Indoor Percussion Ensemble, Music City Mystique, Santa Clara Vanguard Drum and Bugle Corps, Glassmen Drum and Bugle Corps, and Rhythm X. Since the early 2000s, he has served on the percussion staffs of the Glassmen, Madison Scouts, Carolina Crown, The Cadets (2009-11), RhythmX, and Phantom Regiment. He has also held high-level positions with Madison Independent, Eastside Fury, Infinity Percussion, Redline Percussion, and Alchemy Independent. Read his full bio.

Travis Peterman began playing drums in the Christina School District, spending five years with the All-State Junior and Senior Bands. He went on to perform as a snare drummer with the Reading Buccaneers, United Percussion, the Blue Stars, and Rhythm X. Travis started teaching drum corps with Cadets2 in 2012 as the Snare Technician and Battery Choreographer, remaining with the corps for three years. He previously held the positions of Director, Program Coordinator, and Battery Arranger for Cadets Winter Percussion during its three-year tenure. He also held high-level positions with the Bushwackers and Carolina Crown. Read his full bio.

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022. Filed under Current News, DCI World.