Cadets Announce Full Color Guard Staff for 2023

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The Cadets’ April Camp is coming up in Erie, Pa., this weekend, and with it, the color guard section rejoins the corps for the first time since December. In conjunction with this exciting first rehearsal for The 2023 Cadets, the corps shines a spotlight on the people who make up this year’s Color Guard Staff.

As previously announced with the Caption Management Team, Cadets Alumnus Enrique Perez returns to lead the 2023 Cadets Color Guard Staff. Enrique was born and raised in Miami, Fla. and has been involved with the pageantry arts for over 20 years. He attended Florida International University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts both Psychology and Education. Read his full bio here.

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023. Filed under Current News, DCI World.