Fueled By Phans is Back in 2023!

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The members, instructors, support staff, and volunteers for the 2023 Phantom Regiment are hard at work bringing Exogenesis to life! And they need to eat! We are thrilled to bring back one of our most popular fundraising campaigns: Fueled by Phans!

Our nutrition team – led by Phantom Regiment Hall of Fame member Becky Nelson – takes great care to ensure the members and staff receive fresh, nutritious meals that meet every dietary restriction, choice, and need for over 250 people every day of the tour. Our members and staff consume huge amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, complex carbohydrates, milk, eggs, and cheese throughout four daily meals. In addition, Phantom Regiment provides comfort foods like peanut butter & jelly, cereal, and even desserts after dinner.

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Friday, June 9th, 2023. Filed under Current News, DCI World.