King Cobras Drumline Rocks Out at Chicago Public Schools

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On September 27th, the King Cobras Drumline, a program of Cavaliers Arts, Performance & Education, Inc. sponsored by the Village of Rosemont, took their talents to Northside Learning Center. Here, they put on an energetic and lively interactive performance with Northside students. Northside Learning Center is a specialty school within Chicago Public Schools serving students with disabilities, ages 14 to 22.

Northside principal Liz Mourtokokis stated that she wasn’t sure how Northside’s population of students would react to the interactive drumming session. “But they were so participatory: singing along, drumming, really learning how to drum appropriately. It has been the best experience for our students.”

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Thursday, October 5th, 2023. Filed under Current News, DCI World.