The Cavaliers Announce 2022 Drum Majors

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The Cavaliers are proud to announce our 2022 Drum Major team. These three veteran members will lead the corps onto the field this summer.

“One of the cornerstones of our program at The Cavaliers has always been student leadership, said Dr. Michael Vaughn, Corps Director. “We rely heavily on our student leaders, not just on the field but, off the field to promote and model the culture of dedication, teamwork, and discipline we seek to foster among our members.”

“The young men that have been selected to serve as our 2022 Drum Majors embody, collectively and as individuals, that culture, and are extremely well-equipped to guide this year’s drum corps towards its pursuit of excellence. I’m very excited for these three gentlemen and look forward to working closely with them to build something special at The Cavaliers.”

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022. Filed under Current News, DCI World.