In The News – This Elite Marine Corps Unit Of Musicians Are The Last Of Their Kind In The Military

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Once upon a time, there were over 60 drum and bugle corps in the U.S. military, a distinct style of marching ensemble that performs a field show with brass and percussion musicians. In the twenty-first century, there is only one: “The Commandant’s Own,” the Marine Drum & Bugle Corps.

You see them at events. They play at your functions. But do you really know anything about the Marine Drum & Bugle Corps?

Never fear; we’re here to give you the crash course on “The Commandant’s Own.” And what better day to take a peek into the world of the Marine Drum Corps than on their very own holiday, National Marching Arts Day (March 4th)!

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Saturday, March 5th, 2022. Filed under Current News, DCI World.