Meet Cara, 2022 CPit Section Leader

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The Cadets are pleased to announce that Cara Warntz will lead the CPit for 2022.

Cara is a senior at Elizabethtown College, planning to graduate with a degree in Music Therapy this May. The daughter of a Cadets Percussion Alumnus and staff member, Cara is a legacy member who grew up around the corps. Her own drum corps career began in 2015 when she joined Cadets2, where she was a member of the C2Pit through 2018. She has been a member of The Cadets since 2019.

“I feel so lucky to be part of a family that loves drum corps and all things The Cadets,” Cara said. “I cannot wait for this summer to crank everyday with The Cadets Percussion!”

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Tuesday, March 8th, 2022. Filed under Current News, DCI World.