2023 Cadets April Camp Recap

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The last camp of 2023 was exciting, rigorous, and just plain fun. There’s nothing quite like April Camp. So much work goes into such a short time together, with all the anticipation of a new summer hanging in the air: In just 20 days, The Cadets move in for their 89th season.

With the color guard present, this was the first time The 2023 Cadets came together as a full group. Returning color guard members and staff joyfully reunited after a winter season apart, while warmly welcoming the prospective members who came in to audition. They spent most of the weekend learning choreography to Part 2 of the show, which you can see tomorrow if you help us unlock the clip!

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Monday, May 1st, 2023. Filed under Current News, DCI World.