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Hi Mods,

For a long time, I have thought that announcements should be merged into the main discussion areas. That's where folks post them. I have noticed that lately, when folks post announcements here or in the DCA forum, they stay in that forum instead of being moved to the announcements area by the mods.

Please be consistent!

PS I really think that the DCP Forums list should be reduced to the basic areas, and the other areas (like announcements) should be at the top of the forum fo rthat area (like the historical forum being listed at the top of the DCA or DCI general forum. This would mean that a ton of new users would see these forums.

FYI - I have a background in product design and user interface, so this is not just a random comment. I would be glad to explain in more detail, if anyone wants.

Feel free to move as needed - just wanted someone to read this.

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Ok, you moved THIS post, but the announcements are still there.

What's up?

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I don't mind if we move Announcements to the Announcement forums, but why do we have to move the discussions there? The only thing we really have of substance to talk about right now (besides endless flamewars) are the latest staff/show announcements and how they could affect 2008 season, and the outgoing chatter should stay in the main division forums IMO.

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I don't mind if we move Announcements to the Announcement forums, but why do we have to move the discussions there? The only thing we really have of substance to talk about right now (besides endless flamewars) are the latest staff/show announcements and how they could affect 2008 season, and the outgoing chatter should stay in the main division forums IMO.

Come on, Pinwiz! You don't want to talk about corps logos, corps wearing 'unlucky yellow', what kids are taking to corps camp? This is the fodder for deep discussions about drum corps!

Staff changes, and other inconsequential drum corps minutia should be relegated to a back road, not the main forum (sarcasm).

I agree with you that the announcements themselves might better be posted in the announcements forum, but discussion of those announcements is of great interest to a lot of us.

I'm as much in favor of some fun as the next guy, but I'd also like to be able to discuss what I want to discuss on the World Class forum - even if it relates to an announcement.

For me, it's much easier to keep track if you don't have to jump from one forum to another.

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